Our Babies Are Exposed to Tar At Unsafe Levels at School

  Some might say this is a bold statement coming from a non-toxicologist.  Well let’s do some old fashioned “connect-a-dot” with what we know and see if you might agree. Potent Mutagen We showed previously that CTS are a potent mutagen, right out of the bucket.  Just How Toxic is CTS? Uncle Sam Says So […]

Your Driveway vs. Nation’s Dirtiest River

One of the Nation’s Dirtiest Rivers in Brooklyn Hey it’s Super Bowl week, so why not some friendly competition?  Your coal tar sealed driveway vs. the Nation’s dirtiest river.  Which one is worse? Why compare these two?  Because the chemicals with the greatest concentration and concern at the Gowanus River are PAHs, (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) […]