NY Radio: Controversial Paving Product Targeted for Ban in NY

In case you missed it, Jeremy Cherson of the Riverkeepers and I were interviewed about this session’s coal tar bill for the State of New York. The bill has passed their Senate and at the time of this writing the motion to pass this ban is very much alive in the New York State Assembly. […]

Dr. Peter Van Metre, Pioneering Coal Tar Researcher, Dies in Weekend Crash

Sad news from Texas today as many of us learned about the death of Dr. Peter Van Metre of the United States Geological Society.  Last summer Pete retired from full-time work at USGS and there was a Zoom retirement party for him. Yes it was kind of awkward but you could appreciate the geographical and […]

Remembering Tony Tucci, Friend, Mentor and Coal Tar Sealer Reporter

Tony Tucci, award-winning investigative journalist and more importantly a good friend, passed away recently at the age of 79. In his earlier years, he wrote about political corruption, the Kent State shootings and the mafia wars in Cleveland, Ohio.  One of his last jobs was working for the Oak Hill Gazette, outside of Austin, Texas. […]

Industry Tries to Derail Wisconsin Ban Legislation

Last week I got this flier which is being circulated around Wisconsin trying to stop the bi-partisan effort to ban coal tar and high polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) asphalt sealers in that state. Last session it passed the State Assembly unanimously before the session ended because of the pandemic.  That was the first time that […]

Simple Question to the Sealcoat Industry

Years ago someone asked the question of sealcoat industry members: Which sealcoat do you prefer? That survey was broken down by state so it was easy to see how the regions of the country vary on their sealcoat material preference. In many states more than 80% of the votes were for coal tar products. Well […]

Top 7 Crazy Claims by Industry in 2020

It is the state legislative season when bills are proposed, argued, passed or die. It is also the season of new and recycled arguments from the coal tar industry to defend this toxic product. Following are the Top 7 Crazy Claims of 2020 so far. 1. Industry Claims Damage Done to Sealcoat Industry Industry says […]

Teen Influencers to MD Lawmakers: Pass the Safer Sealant Act

In 2018 a small group of Maryland elementary students presented their school project findings to their local elected official. The subject was a common paving product used to beautify and protect parking lots, playgrounds, and driveways. Often the products are made out of coal tar, one of the first known carcinogens. “Currently there are 22.5 […]

2019 Year-in-Review: Quiet Progress Continues

2019 Year-in-ReviewClick the arrow to the right to scroll through the highlights with links to additional information. Find out more about: BANS, LAW, and MEDIA. BANSNew coal tar bans or the expansion of existing ones occurred in Illinois, Maine, Maryland, North Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin!Click HereState of MaineMaine’s third run at a statewide ban was […]