After 5 years of working on the coal tar sealant problem for the City of Austin, TX, I stopped this back in 2010. While I was disappointed by this change in assignments, it afforded me an opportunity to advocate for this work and speak freely to the public in a way that I felt constrained before.
Well, the work is far from complete both in Austin and the rest of the country!
My goal is to create a resource for those interested in the news, information, and opinion about coal tar sealants as we translate science to policy for a cleaner, healthier environment.
This site isn’t about me, so I don’t share an abundance of personal information about myself. I am just an everyday public servant who saw that a technical and policy issue wasn’t getting the attention it deserved. So I decided to step in the gap and be that source of information and yes, opinion, about this product and its negative effects.
I am not paid by any industry group and do not represent any commercial interests.
Want to know more? I am trained and registered as a professional engineer and have practiced in the
public and private sectors for over 30 years. Have I ever used coal tar sealers? Regrettably yes; I coated my own driveway with the stuff way before any of this came to light.
I have included a graphical resume if you want to learn more.