Site of 2017 Emerging Contaminants Conference Surrounded by…Toxins!
Any facility that claims to be “sustainable,” but uses coal tar sealers on their parking lots is an insult to the word and to the professionals who work hard to make these projects healthier for the occupants and the planet.
And they have a vegetated green roof.
And in the rooms they have those little signs about saving water by reusing towels.
Their website even has its own sustainability page!
Coal Tar is a Black Eye on Green Building
This isn’t the first time that I’ve encountered this. A few years ago a cancer survivor called me. She was living in a certified US Green Building Council building. All was good until the owners coated their parking lot with coal tar. So yes, they probably had paint made out of bee pollen and free range goat’s milk, but the parking lot was coated with pounds of known human carcinogens. As it cures and wears, the product is mobile in the air and on the souls of shoes! I wrote about it here.
Green Washing or Green Blindness?
Emerging Contaminants Conference!
Yes the conference had speakers talking about pollution from coal tar sealers…at this location! Now I don’t have an issue with the organizers; you have to have the meeting somewhere and Illinois is full of coal tar. Some even say it is “ground zero” for coal tar sealer use in the United States. But a leading state university in a state that has considered banning this material for several years, should have someone smart enough to know not to use coal tar sealcoat.
Shouldn’t they?