Thanks Ypsilanti, Huron River Watershed Now 40% Coal-tar Free

Earlier this week the City of Ypsilanti, Michigan finalized a ban of coal tar pavement sealers. It is especially appreciated for a community in the midst of urgent matters pressing upon them. As symbolic as this action may appear, it stems the tide of unnecessary distribution of about 20,000 gallons toxic contaminants into the city every year. It puts Ypsilanti on a road to recovery by stopping this practice.
According to the Huron River Watershed Council (HRWC) website, the total population of the watershed is about 500,000 residents. With Ypsilanti’s vote there are now over 200,000 residents in the watershed who are under a ban of coal tar sealers. Most are also under a ban of sealers with high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH’s). 
The bans in the watershed are:
  • Van Buren Township
  • City of Ann Arbor
  • Scio Township
  • Hamburg Township
  • City of Dexter
Many other watershed communities are discouraging their citizens from using these products in their communications with residents.

Ypsilanti Township didn’t pass a ban, but did pass a resolution requesting the State of Michigan to ban coal tar sealers statewide.

Much of the credit for these bans goes to the work of the HRWC. They have provided the leadership and energy to get this done.

What to get this done in your community? Read about what it takes to pass a ban here and send us a note or call the HRWC. You might find the next success story on this website is about your town.

Photo credit Heritage Media