New Science, Old Tricks and Progress: 2014 Coal Tar Video Review

From dramatic new research showing Austin’s recovery from coal tar pollution to old industry myths to real progress in reducing coal tar sealer use, 2014 was a memorable year. We attempted to capture those key moments in the year in a brief, but entertaining way. Of course in a minute and a half some efforts could not be captured. Some additional key events not covered was the FAA opening the door to alternative paving products at airports with new standard specifications, the efforts of Freshwater Future in the Great Lakes region to curtail coal tar sealer use, and the USGS’ research on the long-lasting toxicity of coal tar sealed surfaces.

This is the third year end summary written here. If you’d like to read those here are the links:

2013 Review: Snowball Effect Continues, But Avalanche Needed
2012 Coal Tar Freedom Review: Emancipation Continues

Here are some additional links to the stories covered in the video: