Uncut Video of USGS’ Decade of Coal Tar Sealcoat Research

Click on above picture to start the presentation.

In a recent post, I included all of the known videos of the USGS researchers presenting their research on coal tar sealant pollution.  Many are brief videos intended for viewers to look at answering specific questions about this issue.  Until now, a high-quality, complete video has not been available.

Now in less than 25 minutes, Dr. Barbara Mahler presents the findings of over 10 years of research into this problem in a clear and concise manner.  While the subject is a technical one, Dr. Mahler is an excellent communicator and she speaks in terms that most can understand the research, the comparisons to other sources, and the negative effects of the products. 
This video is a great resource for anyone trying to educate themselves on this problematic product.