October 29th is First in the Rescheduled Coal Tar Sealant Webinar Series

Earlier this month this series was delayed with the October 1st government shutdown.  Well it’s over for now and that means the webinars hosted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency are now back on track.

An email went out announcing this change and is pasted below.  Registration is required for each separate webinar.

The first is by Dr. Barbara Mahler of the USGS.  She is adept at clearly presenting the scientific research into coal tar pavement sealers to a variety of audiences.  In case you cannot attend, here are a list of her presentations (or edited portions of presentations) that are available on the internet. But you can only get your questions answered via the webinar!

  1.  EPA Webinar (June 2012)   
  2. **Summary of USGS Studies in less than 2 minutes (2010)
  3. What are PAHs? (2010)
  4. What is Coal Tar? (2010)
  5. USGS Washoff and Outdoor Dust Studies (2010)
  6. Indoor Dust Study (2010)
  7. 40 Lakes Study (2010)
  8. Q&A, Where is the EPA? Exposure pathways?  What about cancer clusters? (2010)
  9. What About Post-Ban PAH Trends? (2010)
  10. USGS Congressional Briefing (2011)
  11. Paint it Black (2012)

From the MPCA:

Regarding the 2013 webinars…

Because of the impact on participating federal employees, the U.S. government shutdown has postponed the series. Since we had already posted all dates, we will slide everything back one date and tack a new one on the end. The revised schedule is:

#1 Overview of issues . . Tuesday, October 29th from 9:30 – 10:30 Central >>Those already registered for the original date will not have to re-register. New registrations can continue at https://mpca.webex.com/mpca/onstage/g.php?d=255793259&t=a.

#2 Organizing a state- or provincial-scale coal tar reduction program . . Wednesday, November 20th from 9:30 – 10:30 Central >>Register athttps://mpca.webex.com/mpca/onstage/g.php?d=596266927&t=a.

#3 Outreach education for coal tar phase-out action at the local level . . Thursday, December 12th from 9:30 – 10:30 Central >>Register at https://mpca.webex.com/mpca/onstage/g.php?d=597512081&t=a.

All presentations and some question time are planned to fit in these 1-hour time blocks, followed by an additional 30 minutes of Q&A for those with the time available.

Hope this shift in dates can work for you, and we apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you.

Al Innes, MPCA alister.innes@state.mn.us