For Children’s Sake Maine Representatives Oppose Coal Tar Sealants

Sidewalk Chalk by Ctd 2005

Last week Maine’s House of Representatives debated legislation to ban the use and sale of coal tar pavement sealers.  Unfortunately the measure was narrowly defeated, but excellent testimonies were given by the representatives.

This debate, while relatively new to the State of Maine, was as thoughtful and passionate as any I have heard before.  Because of this I wanted to present these audio clips for others to hear.

The first is by the Bill’s House Sponsor Representative Matthea Daughtry.  She is to be commended for her grasp of the data and coordination of this near successful effort.

The balance of these speeches include a representative who has worked with these chemicals in the laboratory (Rep. Devin), a representative who personally knows the loss that comes from cancer (Rep. McGowan), another who has asthma and has a strong physical reaction to coal tar sealants (Rep. Hickman).

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