CONSUMER ALERT: Applicator Deception May Be on the Rise!

We have recently seen written claims by applicators of coal tar sealants boasting about their deceptive practices when selling their products.  There has been enough information about coal tar sealants that folks frequently ask if the sealant has coal tar in it.  They are told that no it is “environmentally friendly” and safe for the environment.  These same contractors say they have revised their brochures and websites to make sure that the term “coal tar” is no where to be found.
Another term they are using to dress up their product is “asphalt sealant.”  While true that any product that seals asphalt is technically an “asphalt sealant,” the intent here is to make the consumer believe they are getting an asphalt based sealant and not a coal tar based sealant.
Consumers should always ask for an Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from the applicator.  This sheet will show toxic ingredients that may be harmful usually on the first page.  In many states they are required to have one just to transport the material.  If the terms “coal tar” or “coal tar pitch” are on it and that’s not what you want, then tell them no thank you.
The way things are going, I would ask for a copy and ask the contractor to date it, sign it along with your invoice that should state the same product name as on the MSDS Sheet.  This alert is not an indictment of all applicators because I have met many honest ones, but to be on the lookout for those that aren’t.